I am working on a series of very short moving image works that address the horror, beauty, humor and loss of the Anthropocene. Season of Wonder is included in that series, as are those described below.
The Age of Discovery was a moment of explosive expansion of globalization, the dawn of merchant capitalism and consumerist addiction. Before the merchant class began to prosper from global trade, Dutch still life paintings often depicted local bread, herring, cheese and beer. 17th century Dutch still life paintings depict seductive wonders brought back by European explorers, traders and exploiters at a horrendous cost. These animated paintings draw a line from that moment to the environmental crisis today. View here.
Oil Spill With Bird
I was working on this film when Hurricane Sandy hit, and knocked out our electricity for a week. I biked to other areas to charge my computer, then returned home and worked by candlelight until my charge ran down. The ginko branch on the left side was from a fallen tree.
Video, 2D animation and sound design | 1:11 minutes | ©2013
3 Natures Mortes
Three short animated still life paintings featuring gummibears, bees, a bird, and a frog-pricot. These pieces were made at the MacDowell Colony. I constructed an outdoor greenscreen and a bird blind to film the chipping sparrows without being seen. I shot stop-motion animation on an indoor tabletop. My biggest thrill was the day I successfully Frankensteined the frog-pricot.
Video, 2D animation and sound design | 2 minutes | ©2011
Still Life with Golden Apple
This piece is designed for installation. Three European starlings, a very successful introduced species, dispute over a golden apple. With electronic greeting card and disco ball. Looping video, digital 2D animation and sound design | 1:47 minute loop| ©2013
Overgrowth is inspired by the fringe ecosystem of the city, where abandoned and decayed ruins meet encroaching plants, animals and waters. It explores the tumultuous relationship between humanity and nature as they overtake and impact one other, and fleeting moments of incongruous, fragile harmony. Video, 2D animation and sound design | 1:09 minutes | ©2009
Gazing out a train window, reflecting on the passing landscape and the imaginings they trigger. Video, digital 2D animation and sound design | 1:45 minutes | ©2013
A wry animated rumination on sidewalk gum - with a grateful nod to Oskar Fischinger. Digital 2D animation |1:14 minutes | ©2013